First Timer....

This is my first attempt at adding anything to a blog!Thanks Wileen for putting this together. Hey, Li said there were pictures posted from our meeting.
Donde esta?
I was looking at info. on Umberto Eco (Of Queen Loana infamy, I mean fame) he is one deep dude. Very philisophical. Maybe that is why I could not get into the book. Me be a simpleton. On a side note, I am digging our new book, Beware of G-d. I hope we have an awesome turn out in April.

April's book!

(posted for Grumpus)

It’s Pop Up Book Club info!

Hello Everyone,

We had a five star showing at Brother K’s Coffee Shop this evening to discuss The Effects of Living Backwards. The avg. rating for this book was 2 ½ stars (out of five) due to it being intriguing yet confusing at times.

Our next book club meeting will be at the House on Moody Avenue on April 29th. Our next book is a collection of short stories by Shalom Auslander titled, “Beware of G-d.” (yes, there should be an “o” in between the G and d, if you are intrigued by how I wrote it you should attend book club….)

We will begin at 7:30 pm. Please feel free to invite others to join as well. We are really hoping to keep book club alive and going well with fabulously dedicated members. We need you!

Below is from Publisher’s weekly about the book:

From Publishers Weekly
The faithful look sharp or fall victim to a "surly, bossy, paranoid, violent" G-d in Auslander's satirical debut collection. The author, raised an Orthodox Jew, mercilessly spoofs the Old Testament deity: G-d suffers from migraines, stalks a modern-day prophet and appears as a large chicken, among other incarnations. Though harsh rabbinic voices echo throughout, and characters who engage in Talmudic-style debate usually arrive at absurd conclusions, Auslander's target isn't religious hypocrisy. Instead, he guns for sacred cows: literal interpretations of the Torah, strict adherence to Jewish law, and belief in an all-powerful deity who metes out punishment and reward according to man's fulfillment of G-d's commandments. At the heart of this satire, though, is the pain of true believers at the mercy of a capricious G-d. These are high-concept stories: a chimpanzee suddenly achieves "total conscious self-awareness.... G-d. Death. Shame. Guilt"—a burden he cannot bear. A yeshiva student wakes one morning with a brawny, goyishe body and is reviled by his community. A man enrages all major world religions with his discovery of original Old Testament tablets preceded by the disclaimer, "The following is a work of fiction." Occasionally, the Catskills-inflected comedy is corny, but for the most part, Auslander skillfully handles heavy subject matter with a droll tone. "Beautiful day," an adman says, making small talk at a pitch meeting with G-d. " 'I made it myself,' G-d answered loudly." (Apr.)