Heidi Julavits in The Village Voice

(posted for L)

FYI, a review of the book from Village Voice. It sounds fantastic!

We're Sooooo Pot-Lucky!

February 12 we'll be holding our annual post-holiday potluck. Bring your fruitcakes! (My dog will eat anything.) Please remember that I'm a raving vegetarian and I turn into a beastie at the smell of meat in the house. Also, we have a cat, so pack your Benedril if necessary.

Yes, actually, I have been told that I suck the fun out of everything.

In addition to feasting & imbibing, we'll discuss The Effect of Living Backwards by Heidi Julavits. Find details here. But support your independent bookstore when possible (you can do that here).

Location details to be emailed closer to the event.